Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Project: Archway

Archway Before
We added this molding (two rosettes and fluted piece) to the archway about five years ago. Plan A: We were going to order some custom archway molding but we couldn't because the archway isn't perfect as the previous owners of our house made it themselves when they took out a window for the addition. Plan B: Have Eddy make a custom molding in a college woods class. Plan C: Paint it like there is molding (cheapest option). We went with plan c but I could never decide how to do it. Then one day I was sitting and looking at it when a light-bulb went off: scallops.

Archway After
So cut a circle out of a heavy catalog cover (H & M) then I folded it in half and drew the scallops all the way around with a pencil. Then I hand painted it trying to be careful instead of taping it. It's not perfect but I am happy with it. It had always bothered me not to have the arch molding. 

When I was in high school, I went to Disneyland and had my silhouette made. I decided if my family ever went to Disneyland I would get their silhouettes made. This last summer we went to Disneyland and I had a chance to do it. You sit looking at a wall and a nice lady with a sharp pair of scissors, looks at you and proceeds to cut an exact likeness of you freehand. It really is amazing and it only takes a couple of minutes. 

Archy (left) & Zany (right)

Declan (left) & McCoy (right)

Rhiannon (left) & Quinton (right)


Eddy really hates his silhouette which is my fault. Eddy has curly hair but when we went to Disneyland he wore a baseball cap and it flatten his hair. I told the cutter lady that he really had curly hair and if she could do it like it was curly. Eddy only has curly hair on the top as he keeps it short on the back but she didn't know that, hence the Afro. In fact, Eddy didn't even want to take this photo of the silhouette but I insisted. I really like having the silhouettes; it is my favorite kind of souvenir. I also go for those hand drawings and costumed photos at various venues. 

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