Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy National Pancake Day!

Zaynzley tries on her new Sofia dress that she got from her birthday. 
She didn't wear it long; it was to scratchy.

Ashlee came in for some shopping and we went to a new thrift store where I bought a large bin of imaginext castle toys and the boys had a lot of fun sorting and playing with them. We already had quite of few of these toys from when Quinton was little; he really loved them. In fact he still remembers that when Declan was born he got a battle wagon and some guys to play with while mommy and daddy were in the hospital.

The weather has finally warmed up enough to have outdoor movies again so for Family Home Evening we had a fire and ate dinner outside while watching Thumbelina (Zany's pick).

Same picture taken with the flash on

Ashlee stayed the night and got to see Thumbelina for the first time. When asked how she liked it she answered, "I thought it was weird." What was your favorite scene? "When the big boobed frog kidnapped her and made thumbelina perform in a spainish singing show that came out of nowhere."

National Pancake Day!

Today is National Pancake Day, we celebrated with Buckwheat/Whole Wheat Pancakes with blueberries in them for some (Eddy, Declan, Quinton, Me).  I make my own batter, these days I have 3 cups flour which makes enough for a few leftover pancakes for after school snacks

Quinton is a pancake eating machine!

Some like jam on them

All like peanut butter.

Hope you get to enjoy some pancakes today!

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