Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

10,000 dollars richer . . .

in the classroom, anyway.  Eddy applied for a grant from United Way to help make his classroom a digital classroom through the purchase of 32 Chromebooks (laptops).  In his proposal he requested $10,000 to allow for a set of classroom laptops and all the extras you need for it.  He was very excited when he was approved for the grant.  Eddy is working on a second masters degree in Curriculum and Technology in Education and this grant will allow him to incorporate more of what he is learning into his classroom.

Paragraph below from the article that appeared in the local newspaper:

"The season of giving continued a little longer for the United Way of Safford and one Elementary classroom this month as representatives from the United Way awarded Mr. Eddy Carlton, a third grade teacher at Dorothy Stinson Elementary a grant of nearly $10,000. Shortly after the winter break Mr. Carlton filled out the grant application that would make his classroom a 1-to-1 computer classroom. On the morning the grant was awarded the United Way representatives were greeted to cheers and posters made by students in Mr. Carlton's class. Mr. Mike Moreno, Principal of Dorothy Stinson and Dr. Mark Tragaskes, Superintendent of Safford Unified Schools were both in attendance for the award ceremony. Mr. Carlton and his class are very excited for the opportunity to become a digital classroom and are grateful to the United Way for their continued generosity."

Mr.Carlton (Eddy) presented with a check for $10,000!

Mr. Carlton's class made posters to say thank you to United Way

Congratulations, Mr. Carlton and big Thank You to United Way for making it possible!


  1. That is simply the best news ever. What a great thing for your school and especially your classroom. Way to go!

  2. Thanks Grandma. I'm super excited for all the STUFF to arrive. I'm hoping by the end of February we will be a 1-to-1 classroom!
