Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black Friday Fun

Intrepid Shoppers

Ashlee and I spent solid eight hours shopping at stores to celebrate Black Friday!  Black Friday around here is a very competitive venture. There are not a lot of stores in our town just Wal-mart, Home Depot, Big 5, Bealls, and some other small stores. People, not us, lined up hours in advance to get stuff.  We were way more laid back and decided to get what we could and what we couldn't get oh well.  Except maybe that bath mat Ashlee wanted for $3.50.  She didn't get that bathmat I had to heard about it several times. Mainly Wal-mart took most of our time as about six hours were spent there looking and shopping.  Things you do to save money and make a great Christmas!  We actually enjoy shopping quite a bit.  The only thing that holds us back is, of course, money or the lack thereof.  We do know how to stretch a dollar thanks to some fine bargain shopping training in our childhood.
The crazy. intensity that is Black Friday at Wal-mart s the kickoff to the Christmas season for us.
Season's Greetings!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Yet another bird Post?!

Yes, yes it is. I am still trying to catch all the birds about town. They are fast little things.
An unknown little fat bird.

A Female Cardinal. The male alas was camera shy, but I have hopes that I will catch him another day. They are able to eat the berries that grow next to the store, so there are often birds feasting there.

I just love Road Runners. Finally one that as still enough for his photo to be taken.

At the end of the day, all the birds gather to gossip at our main interesection in town and warm their little feet. They make quite the racket.

Hmm I wonder what kind of birds these are ? ;)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Cube

Say you are walking along and you see an empty cube that is just large enough to fit you and a dear sibling, do you get in the cube?  You do if you are Archy and Zany.  They spent a companionable twenty or so minutes sitting in this cube together.  Kids are so funny you just never know what they will get up to or when they will do something unexpected.  I am hoping to come across a cube one day that will fit my dear sibling, Ashlee and I.  I am sure we would have a companionable sit and think of something outside of the box to do.

Happy guys

Zany and Archy

Peek a boo, 
wishing you,
 a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Q-man: a wrestling life

We have always been a basketball family but this year Quinton decided to go out for the wrestling team.  It has been a strange experience to attend sporting events without knowing anything about the sport.  I am a bit at a loss to even know how exactly how you achieve points or what counts as a pin.  I have been trying to educate myself and jumping in feet first as Quinton had two meets in one week.  The first match I ever watched, one of Quinton's teammates had a horrific hold put on him that made the whole gymnasium shrek with horror or awe depending on whose team you were going for.  A poor boy was made to do aerial splits against his will and was pinned simultaneously.  It looked terribly painful and at the same time mortifying. He immediately began crying. 
That was my introduction to wrestling.  

None of the other matches have been so hard to watch, thank goodness.  Wrestling looks difficult and not fun but Quinton really seems to like it.  This is his first year so he is a bit behind in experience but he is determined to learn quickly.  I was surprised how long the meets last and when it is finally Quinton's turn it is over fairly quick and then you wait another hour until it is his turn again.  The worst is when you can tell a poor boy is in pain and suffering enduring some wrestling hold I never know the name of.  I feel so bad for the poor crying boys who try so hard to not cry.  I sure hope wrestling Quinton never has reason to cry or his mama either.  

Match begins (Quinton on right)

Tussling Quinton in green

Go Quinton!

Quinton on left

It is really hard to take wrestling photos that aren't of posteriors and you can see faces.  I will have to get better at getting good wrestling photos.  Quinton has a busy week besides having two wrestling meets he also had his court of honor for scouts.  He has worked really hard and he achieved his rank of Life.  Quinton's next step is getting his Eagle.  I would really like him to be finished with his eagle before high school when life for him gets even busier.  

Quinton getting his new rank-Life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

its never too late for a river swim!

The Carltons came out on Veteran's day and we went on a walk to see the cranes (and cows) and to enjoy the river.
Here I am sharing some super interesting fact I am sure.

Someone is insisting on what to wear already

Walking to the river

Here are some brave boys

but if you notice

All you see is some wading

And mud pie making, not full immersion......

but they have one very brave Mama.
She said it was cold enough to take your breath away.
 I wisely did not step even a toe unto it.

Cranes  flying about

We also visited our dear Grandpa Agle's grave.

Monday, November 24, 2014

What They Wore-Orange and Brown

I can't believe it is already the week of Thanksgiving!  In honor of Thanksgiving they wore orange and brown and we took our photos in front of a mesquite tree in the desert near our house.  

Crazy Carlton kids

Quinton has been feeling a bit under the weather and was so eager to be done with photos.

Archy is excited and can't wait to get home to get a treat once his church clothes are put away.

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

McCoy's School Day

McCoy, who loves art, entered artwork in the local county fair.  He was very happy to find out he received a ribbon for his fine picture of an apple.  McCoy says, "It was fun."

McCoy with ribbon winning artwork!

McCoy enjoys playing all kinds of sports at recess during school.  He has lots of friends and is very bright getting all "A's" in school. 

Here is how a typical day at school is for him:

At first recess (before school starts): I played soccer with a bouncy ball, I got hurt on my lower shin when someone from my class hit me with a shoe as they were trying to kick the ball, which was small.  I didn't cry but I did say, "Ow."  

After first recess, I went inside and did schoolwork, daily language and math.  Then I took a reading test.  

Then it was second recess:  I had to stay in because I forgot to take my math homework home the day before.  

After second recess: I did spelling sentences and abc order.

Lunchtime:  I ate frito pie, strawberries, and I drank milk.  I like frito pie.  I sat by some friends and we talked about football and what teams we liked best.  Then we went to lunch recess. 

Lunch Recess:  I played vampire tag. If someone tags you then you are on their team. 

Music Class:  We worked on our Christmas program.  My favorite song we sing is from polar express.

Spelling test:  It was easy.

That was the end of my school day. Then I went home.

I am always happy to have my little McCoy home and usually he is outside playing something or other.  He loves his sports!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The One-bite Cookie Monster

 Quinton really wanted to make cookies probably because he knows that is the only way they will get made.  I picked my favorite cookies to be made using the Andes Mint Chips (recipe on the back of the bag).  Light mint flavor and they only use one stick of butter!  The whole family had some cookies and there quite a few leftover.  Everyone was about their own business when I heard a sharp yell of shock.  Eddy discovered Zany delicately picking up one cookie taking a small bite then putting it back and then picking up a different cookie and taking one bite.  He was shocked, horrified and offended by the very thought of a person systematically taking one bite of each cookie. In fact, he thought it was something I would do.  When I told Nona over the phone about one bite cookie monster she said it sounded like something I would do and my sister agreed.  Now who is offended?  I haven't ever done it but now thinking about it maybe I would like too!  
How many cookies did Zany bite before she was stopped?  Nine cookies!

Zany caught in the act

Nine cookie victims

A day later I made pumpkin rolls-savory (not to be confused with pumpkin roll-sweet), and the leftover rolls were sitting on the counter unattended.  When who should appear and start taking one bite out of the rolls? Zany but she was stopped before she had gotten to number four.

Now which roll needs one bite next?

She is a one bite wonder.  I guess we will have to keep a close eye on her come Thanksgiving all that lovely food left unattended.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014 Christmas Ornament Selections

Eddy and I were married December 17, soon after Christmas came and although we had a Christmas tree we had only a handful of Christmas ornaments.  When my children are grown, I want them to have a box of ornaments that they loving picked out over the years of their childhood that they can take with them when they leave home.  Every year as a family we go to the store and everyone gets to pick an ornament for that year, I used to try to find ornaments that represented something from that year but it was to hard to find ornaments accordingly so everyone just picks one that they like.

The kids love to go pick out their own ornament and really look forward to it.  I set the price of how much an ornament can cost ($2) and then when they find one they like they put it in the cart but if they find another that they like they have to switch it out as only one ornament in the cart per person.  It has taken a few years to perfect the process. We almost never go to the store as a whole family and after the yearly pick out ornaments trip I remember why-chaos.  We keep our focus just on the ornaments and try to make it as quick as possible.

After singing christmas carols on the drive to the store we arrived to find Wal-mart had set up a lovely photo shoot for us.  So we obligingly took a photo.  Wait, what was that sound?  A groan of a teenager and a whoosh of air as he darted away.  Maybe Quinton needs to sing more christmas carols with his off-key family to get him in the spirit of Christmas.

Merry Christmas from four Carlton children, I bet Santa is taking notes

 Can you guess who picked which ornament?

A. Rhiannon-I am trying to make Santa's life easier,
 now if someone is naughty he doesn't have to bring his own coal 
he can pluck this off the tree and drop it in a stocking
B. McCoy-loves his sundevils
C. Quinton-he found his ornament the fastest and every year he picks a Santa
D. Declan-he really liked this sleigh and one of his favorite christmas carols is Jingle Bells
E.  Zaynzley-found hers right away and happily carried the cupcake the whole time
F.  Eddy-has high hopes for the Arizona Cardinals this year
G.  Archer-Acorn for some reason Archer really wanted an acorn even though he has never seen a real one as they don't grow around here.  He kept picking ornaments like a turquoise oval with a band of gold glitter and declaring it was an acorn and his choice for this year's ornament.  I was fine with that whatever his heart wanted.  As we were about to leave, Eddy asked Archer which ornament was his I told him it was Archer's acorn and Eddy said why doesn't he get that acorn pointing right at a real acorn ornament that we overlooked.  Archer was very happy to find a real acorn ornament and it even had a jingle bell in it.

Look at all those ornaments to choose from!

Declan faux bites a cupcake ornament so then his bros have to do it too

Archy bites an almost acorn

McCoy finds a golden apple

Eddy's favorite ornament section the Arizona Cardinals and Sundevils

Archy nearly bites Zany's ornament

Archy, McCoy, Declan, Quinton, Eddy & Zany

Ornaments selected, just need to write their names and year and then hang them on the tree with all their ornaments from years past!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Its Freezing!

The first cold snap is upon us. I am in full complaining mode as I am sure Nona will tell you. I have also lost my camera that had the pics for my planned blog post. I am sure it is around but I wasn't able to find it before my homework was due. Here are some pictures that reflect my mood.

This was the saddest I have ever seen Zany. Normally when she is upset she kind of makes a show of it with lots of screaming and carrying on. Not this day. She sat forlornly looking at her fingernails, with soft sighing to herself. Probably due to the fact football was almost over and winter upon us. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

What They Wore-PhoenixTemple Dedication Day

All the L.D.S. churches in Arizona, celebrated the dedication of the Phoenix Temple by having several sessions that we attended locally and watched the satellite feed from Phoenix.  Only those children eight years and older were able to attend so Eddy took the boys (Quinton, Declan, McCoy) to the first session (I stayed home with Archy and Zany) and then he and I went to the second session without any kids.  Just about every Sunday at least one kid tries to cough and claim they are sick and can't go to church.  Archy is the king of trying to get out of going to church so when he heard he wasn't going to church he couldn't have been happier no fake coughing needed.  Archer refused to get his picture taken and ran off and hid.  

I asked the boys what their favorite part of the dedication was and they all said they really enjoyed the Hosanna shout and there may have been some handkerchiefs hitting in faces but I am sure Eddy put a stop to that.  There also might have been some thumb wrestling during the prayer but Eddy stopped that too.  Being a teacher of third graders, Eddy is well versed in stopping naughty children.  

McCoy, Quinton holding Zany, Declan and Eddy

They did wear shoes to church but took them off as soon as they got home

One of my favorite parts of the session I attended was when the speaker said the blessings of having another temple here in Arizona was directly due to the faithfulness of the Arizona pioneers.  So many of my ancestors came to Arizona when it was a dry, barren desert and settled here enduring heat and hardship but remaining faithful through it all so that one day their descendants could enjoy the blessings of a local temple.  I am so grateful that they stayed true to the faith and raised their children in the gospel and established a tradition of stalwartness in the church of Jesus Christ that continues through the generations.  What a blessing the church has been to me throughout my life and especially now as I raise up the next generation.  My children now have the blessing of a temple (Gila Valley Temple) just a short five minute drive from home. I love that I can raise my family in the shadow of a temple that reminds me of the strength of family ties and increases the love I have for my ancestors and all that they made possible.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


The two best kindlers (handheld devices) in our clan are hands down Ashlee and Quinton.  Thier kindles are extensions of their hands, as in they are attached nearly all the time (poor Quinton only has a finite amount of time though pesky homework and chores).  Quinton's main pastimes on devices are: playing Clash of Clans, watching Once Upon a Time, and listening to music like Maroon 5, Passenger, Mumford & Sons.  Ashlee likes to research things she may or maynot be buying, reading book, reading hobbying forums (which probably falls in the category of researching things she may or maynot be buying), listening to audible books, and of course music (Americana Folk).
What was life like before a kindles?  I can't even remember those days. 
 I am sure though the best thing they do with their kindle is read this blog!

Ashlee with her kindle whose name is Toby

Quinton with his kindle whose name is Alfonso's Joy

Here are the names of other people devices:
Eddy:  Ipadimus Edimus (Ipad)
Rhiannon:  Swindler's Reward
Declan:  Batman's Sidekick
McCoy:  Commodore's Command
Archer:  Archer's Awesome
Nona:  Nona the Naughty
Pa:  Carol's 10th Kindle or Q.L. Rat killer

Family that kindles together, stays together!