Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Monday, August 11, 2014

What They Wore-So Tired I Didn't Care

 Ashlee and I spent all day Saturday in Tucson in a shopping marathon (to be blogged about later) and so we didn't get to bed until after 1 a.m. Ashlee, the dork (term of affection), having stayed the night at my house, woke me up at seven even though Zany was still sleeping which means I could have been sleeping, grrrr! I was really tired and so let everyone wear whatever they wanted without any input from me.  I don't know why but for some reason nursery is an exhausting calling. By the time Eddy and I came home from church all we wanted to do was nap. So we did until Ashlee called and woke us up again. I may have to take revenge on that early bird and give her a ten or eleven o'clock phone call. Mwahwahahaha!

I have been delegating Eddy to take the Sunday photo but do to lack of quality posing I may be rethinking that which was probably his intention.Quinton was at a young men's meeting and missed the photo session.

McCoy, Declan, Zany, Archer sans bowtie

After church we swung by the school to find out what teachers the kids have. This year summer's end has snuck up on me and we missed going when the class list were first posted a couple days ago.  McCoy and Declan were happy to find out they have friends in their classes.

McCoy reads his class list

Declan finds his class

Wee Archy hasn't found out his teacher because his slacker mom hasn't turned in his updated shot record. 
Update: I got his shot record turned in and he found out most his friends are in his class!

Part of me wants one more week of summer, band aid ripped off slowly, to get ready for school and the other part wants the band aid ripped off fast school in two days.  School starts Wednesday so I guess I better prepare for that bandaid to come off--fast!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be mean because I live my life by the words of Ben Franklin! You've lucky I didn't wake you up at 6.
