Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Carlton Command Center-keepin' a hold of the crazy

 Things are pretty hectic around here just now with so many practices and activities. It prompted me to finally make a command center (pinterest has lots of ideas) for the kids so they know what they need to be doing and when. I have almost no free wall space but decided to cram in as much as possible on a small section of wall in the dining room.  I would have liked to put my calendar there too but there just wasn't enough room.  I had to edit the space to just the bare minimum. I used just stuff I had around the house and a bit of silver spray paint that I already had so the cost for this project was zero.

Before a bit of empty wall

Presenting The Carlton Command Center

I have done several different menu postings in the past. For a long time I typed up a weekly menu and printed it and hung it on the microwave but then I got this little dry erase board and I write the weekly menu on there now.  I try to not let Zaynzley see me erasing or writing on it because that gives her ideas of imitating me and thats how the cork board part got all written on one time.

White board Menu (bought it a Wal-mart couple of years ago)

I felt like my kids weren't having good (read any) personal scripture reading and yet they played their kindles or other things so I came up with some various things they could do for personal scripture time.  In order to even get their kindles/tv/video game time they first have to get all checks on their to do chart and do one scripture choice.  Can you hear the groans?

I printed it on scrapbook paper and framed it (easier to read one below)

I typed up the morning schedule, printed it on scrapbook paper and framed it

Evenings are very busy around here with all four boys playing football and daily practices mixed with scouts and piano I really needed to think through the timeline to make sure my kindergartener was getting to bed early enough. Since we aren't able to eat dinner together we have a daily dessert time where we can gather at the table and talk about our day. I use the term dessert liberally as it isn't always a sweet treat.  It can be grapes or cheese and crackers or anything since we eat dinner so early the boys are usually hungry after practice so it is more of a pre bedtime snack. 

I have a couple of cork boards to hang up things they make/color at school. I used to tape them up on the door but this will be better.

McCoy colored these Minions in school

Another new thing is the clipboard of chores and to dos. I fill it out with their chores and after school snack (I wanted to make sure they knew things like the pears are now perfectly ripe and need to be eaten. Too many bags of grapes were going to waste in the drawer of the fridge so this way I can manage the food better) and I have a place to write notes on their daily appointments and whatnot. They have a place to write what scripture choice they did. 

Clipboard Chart

  Declan was a bit put out that I was changing to clipboard system from our old popsicle stick in a jar system but as I told him we are always trying to find new things that work. Here's hoping this does!

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