Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dam Jumping Kids: Frye Mesa part two

Once the bubble blowing and tube floating got old it was time to kick up the adventure a notch and start jumping off the dam. 

Coy blowing the bubbles he won at free lunch since his tray had a star on it-lucky duck

Boys on dam overlook (L to R: Dec, Ed, Arch, Coy)

The water was pretty warm for being mountain runoff if it wasn't warm I don't think Archy would be jumping.  He doesn't care for cold water at all. He bravely stands on the dam edge and jumps in all while holding his nose.

Archy prepares to jump

Archy's splash

Coy's big jump

Eddy psyches himself up for the big jump contemplating his style

Belly flop style-always a classic

McCoy and Declan look at those muscles

McCoy suddenly shoves Declan overboard, love the look of outrage on Declan's face I get to see it again when I tell Dec no more shoving allowed and so he can't retaliate. 

For the truly adventurous souls, you can transverse the dam to the far side and then scale the rocks and do some proper cliff jumping. Eddy and Quinton did it and had a blast. I was content to sit by a napping Zany and just watch the fun.  Did I mention I was scared of heights as a kid and had an escalator phobia. I was always nervous about riding on escalators and would avoid them if at all possible. I didn't know why though until I was 28 and my mom told me when I was a kid we were at a mall and a lady fell down on the escalator and her clothes got caught in the escalator. She got all cut up and they had to shut down the escalator to save her. Can you imagine the rest of the passengers trying to jump over her instead of land on her. Is that the stuff of nightmares or what?  I have no real memory of the incident just the fear of escalators known as escalaphobia which according to about.com is surprisingly common. So yeah I think I will pass on the rock scaling and cliff jumping.

Eddy and Quint climb the rock face

Eddy jumps off

Quinton jumps off

Before we know it dinner time has arrived and so Eddy and Quinton swim back to our camp happy and tired. As the sun began to go down we packed up our day camp and head for home.

Cliff jumpers return while Zany watches

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