Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The End is Nigh! Earthquake in Duncan, AZ!!

We had an Earthquake in in Duncan, second strongest in the history of Arizona it clocked in at a  5.2 magnitude.  The epicenter was a bit outside of town on the Lazy B ranch. They say that pride goeth before a fall, and I can't tell you how many foreigners I have bragged to that in Duncan we don't have tornadoes, hurricanes or earthquakes. Only an occasional flood or drought. It's a great safe place to live.  I have had to eat crow.

When it first happened I thought it had something to do with an Airplane crash but as it went on It wasn't to great a leap for my mind to realize it was indeed an earthquake. We didn't suffer to much damage at the homestead ( a bottle of vinegar and glass of water broke, some of Pa's top heavy nutcrackers fell over). Being the nervous Nelly that I am I was full of dread of the state our store would be in.  I was picturing lots of broken vases, lamps, figurines and general mayhem.   Here is what we found:

Don't worry she will make a full recovery

This broken vase is a goner

It rattled open the bead (formally book) catalog

Toys were strewn about like a child was shopping ( it ends up like this surprisingly often)

We think the broken thing was a Grandma that was a pie bird 
 My other place of employment was the library. It unfortunately did not fare so well. It will be closed for awhile. Hopefully not too long.

Audio Cd's everywhere but the books are safe

The wires that hold up the frame  tiles all around the edges snapped and buckled

Probably my greatest sadness will becoming from the hand (mouth?) of my sister. I like to tell her she must live in wicked town because it never rains there, and she has already rebuffed me that I live in an even wickeder town because we had an EARTHQUAKE!!

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