Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Archy's 5th Birthday Party

 We just had a small family party to celebrate Archer's fifth birthday.  He's fifth birthday has been a long time coming. Why?  Because McCoy got a kindle for Christmas and Archy didn't. So nearly everyday he asks me when his birthday is because he needs a kindle too. For six months he has been telling me he wants a kindle and he wants it to be blue (have a blue case). Normally I wouldn't spend so much on a birthday present but the kid was relentless and the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Pa, Nona, and Ashlee came over for Archer's dinner party, swimming and cake with presents.

Archer got to pick the menu and at first he want everyone to enjoy a nice dinner of yogurt and cereal. I suggested a few other possible choices and he chose pizza and salad but he didn't have to eat said salad.  He wanted a pirate/spiderman party but sadly I couldn't find any pirate party stuff so he settled on a spiderman party. I couldn't find spiderman tablecloth big enough so I just bought half a yard of spiderman fabric and made a runner.

Clapping for the birthday boy

Waiting for the pizza to be handed out Archy in bday hat with birthday balloon

After dinner we went to our private pool party where Archy got to fulfill a birthday wish of pushing in each of his brothers into the cool pool.

In goes Declan

In goes Quinton

In goes McCoy

Pa brought all the water guns so he could shoot everyone, we were like ducks in a barrel for him he especially liked shooting defenseless Nona

Ash and Zany post pool cuddle

Archy wanted a sprinkle cake with white frosting and sprinkles with a number five on it and spiderman
-wish granted.

Archy blowing out candle, costumes were welcome at his party

Archy opening presents

Long awaited for kindle. 

About two days before his birthday Archy decided he wanted a red kindle. I flatly told him for six months I had been hearing about a blue kindle and it was too late to change now. Coy, the sweetie, made a couple of presents for Archer. He draws them, then colors and cuts them out.

McCoy made this Spiderman for Archer

He also made a cupcake

I had bought a helium balloon for Archy to tie to his birthday chair and then later I wrote down his birthday wish and we tied it to the balloon and released it.  We all held hands and sang to him then he released his balloon.

Archer birthday wish: That creatures will attack my enemies

Let's all try to stay on Archy's good side this year!

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