Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Zany's Dinosaur Day

Once a year in October, our local community college hosts a dinosaur day for the preschool crowd.  They have been doing it for years, in fact I even took Quinton when he was a little tyke. At breakfast when the boys heard that I was taking Zany to dinosaur day they requested that they get taken out of school so they could go too. Sadly, their request was denied and just Zany attended.  The had stations set up with various activities for the children to enjoy.  Zany hasn't been to too many of these kinds of event so I wasn't sure how her behavior would be as she can be kinda wild and loud but you would have never guessed that because she was a sweet angel that enthusiastically did every activity. Here is her special dino day in photos:

Zany doing dinosaur puzzles

Zany playing with dinosaurs

Making dinosaur tracks in the sand

Zany and her mama finding dinosaurs

Always my favorite event, excavating (beating a clay egg to with a dowel)
 the little dinosaur egg to find . . .

a little dinosaur

Zany discovers that it's really hard to walk with dino feet

"Mom hardly ever lets me paint at home"

Dino puppet show anyone? (Zany on right)

After the toddlers run the gamut of activities, they are rewarded with some dinosaur sugar cookies that they get to frost with the most lurid purple frosting that stains anything it touches. Really anything it touches it was some powerful frosting! 

Zany and her cookie
Teddy (boy in picture) is about to eat that whole blob of frosting in one bit; it was impressive the amount of sugar in that nasty frosting was tremendous. 

See I told you he ate it, as Zany looked on, she didn't even eat her frosting as she must be like her mama not liking that nasty bakery frosting that is way too sweet. Smart girl. While Zaynzley's brothers didn't get to go this dinosaur day at least they can relive their special dino days by looking at her pictures. They don't have pictures of their dino days, I didn't blog then and I was terrible at taking pictures, see what good can come of a blog--dinosaur day documented!

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