Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Archer's First Loose Tooth

 When I was a kid my dad was in the U.S. Air Force so we went to a lot of bad and rookie dentists.  The result being that as adults Ashlee and I both have a bit of dental phobia and totally and completely dread going to the dentist even for routine things like sixth month check ups.  We also were raised to be very dutiful so we always go to our routine checkups without fail.  Ashlee and I even have the same toothy nightmare where all our teeth fall out.  So it may be surprising how obsessive
 I become when one of my children have loose teeth.  I just love to pull out kids' loose teeth and will check very often once a tooth becomes even the slightest bit loose. 

McCoy is the worst screamer ever even when you are just checking to see if a tooth is loose.  Archy may have learned from McCoy because he screamed and wailed too.  Archer's adult tooth was already growing in crooked and behind the other teeth so the sooner it came out the better.

I pinned Archy between my legs and while he shrieked I popped that little tooth out. The moment it came out Archy stopped wailing and calmly turned to me and said, "That didn't hurt." Then right away he tried to whistle.  He thought you needed a gap to whistle and was disappointed that he couldn't whistle.  He was really excited to have the tooth fairy come and McCoy told him the first time the tooth fairy comes she brings you five bucks.  I didn't remember that but McCoy sure did.  

Archy holding on the paper towel for dear life

What can that be in his hand?

It's a wee tooth

Archy showing the aftermath

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