Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mario and Luigi

Wasn't I shocked to see two mustached men walk into the house after school. Declan got the mustaches from a girl in his class that was celebrating her birthday and gave them out. They wanted me to take a picture of them. Maybe in twenty years they can recreate this pose with real mustaches!

Declan and McCoy (or Luigi and Mario)

Rockin' the stache

People around this house often claim to be using devices just to look at this here blog. They know if they say that I will let them look for a bit where normally, I wouldn't if their chores weren't done or so on. Archy is the king of pretending to look at the blog so he can get his hands on Eddy's Ipad.
In fact, he grabbed the Ipad and I started to say No but before I could he shouted I am looking at the blog and ran away as fast as he could. I got the camera and tracked him down. He was indeed looking at the blog.

Archy looking at blog

                     Two seconds later when he thinks I am gone, bam, he is playing a game.

Archy not looking at blog

The end of the school year is fast approaching (one week left) I am not sure how long my enthusiasm will last but I am looking forward to school getting out. I am already deep cleaning and reorganizing the boys room for summer and packing up the school clothes in the hopes if they have less clothes they can keep their room cleaner.

Quinton attended the last dance for his seventh grade year.  He loves going to dances at school and church and I really, really wish I could get a picture of him dancing or even see him dance.  Quint usually dances every dance regardless if it is fast or slow. I used to pay him a dollar for every dance he danced with a girl (just at church dances). When I was in seventh grade, the boys never asked the girls to dance everyone just stood around. I thought that would encourage him to ask girls to dance little did I know I would be handing over twenty one dollars. Ouch. He danced every dance and loved it. I no longer pay him to dance and my wallet thanks me.

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