Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kindness Meter

We are all sitting at the table eating dinner, Declan (age ten) is talking like he usually is and Archy (age four) holds up a fist and says, "Declan if you say one more thing I am going to punch you in the face." That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. The children aren't allowed to punch each other and especially not in the face but unkind words and have been heard way too much around here. 
I planned a whole Family Home Evening around being kind using some stories from the friend magazine, Primary song Kindness Begins with Me, and this scripture  “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Eph. 4:32).  This poem seemed to really help the kids get what kindness is:

Kindness by Lana Krumwiede
Kindness looks for ways to help.
Kindness lets a friend go first.
Kindness tries to keep the peace.
Kindness never thinks the worst.
Kindness plays with everyone.
Kindness gives a loving touch.
Kindness speaks with gentle words.
Kindness never takes too much.
Kindness cares and kindness knows.
Kindness shares and kindness shows.

To go along with the lesson, I decided to create the kindness meter. I included positive and negative reinforcement although I prefer negative, all my university education classes pushed for positive reinforcement. I try to have some positive reinforcement in my parenting as well. I basically wrote the negative options (no devices for a week, 2 hour backyard cleaning, no tv or video games for a week, wash all windows) from the bottom to the middle and positive options (go to any park within 20 min drive, movie and popcorn, 2 hour video game time, go out for ice cream and rent a movie) from the middle to the top. So they do kind things I add beans and if they rude or unkind in any way I take beans out, how many beans I add or take away is up to me. I started the bean level half full.  On Friday we will see where we are at on the Kindness Meter. We have already seen a big improvement around here. There was no yelling by a certain teenager as he was getting ready for school. Yea!

Kindness Meter 

 To tie in our planned activity of kite flying, I mentioned how kites rise above things just like when people are unkind and you have to rise above and still be kind. Then we went to the college a flew our kites that we have had since Easter. All the kids had their own kite to fly and it was really windy so it was pretty easy to get them up. Quinton was really good at it.

Quinton flying his kite.

McCoy trying to get his kite aloft

Declan helps Zany fly her kite

Zany had never flown a kite before and though it was so fun.

Archy running to get his kite up.

Quint champion kite flyer.

Zany with her kite

Worn out from all that running getting those kites in the air.

Here's hoping for kinder words and deeds!

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