Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New for the Loo

I have strong opinions about toilets.  I spend a lot of time with my toilet cleaning and trying to protect it from lots of boys who would use it carelessly.  We have just the one toilet for all seven of us, very 1940's I know.  When something was dropped on the toilet breaking the porcelain connecting the toilet to the tank I maybe smiled inwardly.  At last, I could get the toilet of my dreams! Unfortunately, the toilet still worked fine for a whole year.  Then a big piece of porcelain fell off and water began slowly dripping from the tank.  I decided it was time for a new one.  With five males using this toilet, I was willing to pay extra for an all-in-one toilet to stop pee getting between the toilet and the tank.  I also wanted an elongated toilet, the bigger target the better.  I also wanted an enclosed S bend but that made the toilet really pricey so I had to forgo that wish.

We special ordered the toilet from Home Depot (Kohler: Santa Rosa $300.00).  When it finally arrived Eddy unboxed it and it was lovely, gloriously large and sparklingly white.  I have learned over the years through many, many projects that the difficulty of a project can be judged by the number of trips you take to Home Depot.  Sometimes it is ten or like this project just one.

Prepping the plumbing with old round toilet. Eddy updated the water shut off valve (1/4 turn valve) and always replaces the hose when working on toilets. Eddy prefers TP2 pipe thread sealant over Teflon tape.

What else came in the toilet box?

Eddy at Home Depot with, if you look closely, an elusive home depot worker

New kind of toilet seal combines traditional wax seal that is encased

A couple of years after we bought the house we were having toilet troubles and we took off the toilet to discover a root as big as a mans forearm in (length and width) that had grown into the sewer line but the sewer pipe was intact it had grown through the wax seal.  That was a nasty one.  Thankfully it has never grown back!

Welcome to the family, I am sure you will get to know us all very well!
Eddy's note...DON'T OVER TIGHTEN!

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