Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Desert Snow!

We don't get snow that often, but it is fun when we do. Here we have wild temperature swings, overnight we get into the teens and by day the sixties. We had quite the winter storm where it just never warmed up, and the snow lasted all day. I decided that I would venture out and take a walk to the river and see what it looked like all perfectly covered in white snow. 
Steeple rock

An intrepid Pa on the way to work. We suggested he waited until it was later in day, who wants to look at collectibles when it is snowing? But he is a creature of habit.

Our store.

Pa's truck and the chicken (which I need to paint) 

Here is the Cabin that Pa moved from when the Lunt's wanted it torn down, Pa came along to save it. 

Railroad  tracks looking toward Lordsburg

Rhi found these awesome Skecher snow boots for $1.25 brand new at Bealls. I have been waiting for a year to wear them! Finally!

The mighty Gila (this is about the same spot as our last river trip)

another view (it is realy hard to see but on the right hand  in the trees there is the hawk I named Carl, he is usually about this area) 

Decided to go Pa style - and wear a puffy vest. I did wish I had Archy's balacava though, my cheeks were freezing.

Path to the river. I love that the giant weeds can pull off looking like trees here

Poor Sandhill cranes, I don't think they signed up for this weather!

One of my favorite spots on the river

Duncan Centennial Park.
After my walk, I'd knew I had to get the Carlton's over for some fun, which I will post later.

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