Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thrifting:Crazy Christmas edition

Today us Duncanites went to Rhi's house to see Archer, Mccoy and Declan in their Christmas programs. What to do in between? Why visit the thrift store! They have  so much christmas, they just plonk down boxes and tubs on the floor and you must paw thru them to see what treasures you can find. Of course we both found quite a bit. I found some stuff I needed to craft for decorations I am planning on making and of course various other knick knacks that needed a good home. It was super hectic as there were others in town fighting us for all the goods. I was super hyped as Rhi could tell you, from drinking to much coffee, and all the excitement.

Meet Krampus! He was "specially fashioned by Imagene" as says the vintage tag on his tush. I don't know why but since he was so funny and someone tied a wee festive bow around his neck., I decided he needed to be part of my decor. Thanks to the TV show Grimm for teaching me about that fable.

Here we are awaiting the Real Father Christmas! Very tired after a 2 hour search thru others castoff Christmas.

I also got this cake plate and server. I am in charge of Christmas tea and plan on using this for an almond cake!

Rhiannon's note:  It was pure crazytown at the thrift store.  Imagine if you will, about forty large size totes (each tote is about two feet by three feet) clustered together not unpacked at all.  The thrift store stores all the Christmas in the basement and then disgorges it all at once.  Ashlee was hilarious she was hopped up on caffeine and the frenzy that ensued as everyone dug through piles of old lights and tole painted stockings to find those best treasures. Ashlee kept saying to me, "I am jealous of what you got."  She didn't even know what I had gotten funny girl.  Here are my treasures:

Lovely large platter

Plastic canvas church 
(I collect these and have a wee village of them)

Such a fun frolic at the thrift store and they are supposed to bring even more out tomorrow!  I don't know if I can face it without my dear sister.  Well maybe I can, isn't it fun to make a sister just a little bit jealous?

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