Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Concerts Galore!

It's that Christmas school concert season around here.  Archer, a kindergartener, had his concert at the local community college fine arts auditorium.  The kindergarteners are so cute and they did Silent Night with sign language.  If that doesn't make a momma tear up I don't know what would.  They were just supposed to wear Christmas colors and Archer wore a Santa hat that swallowed his head but he looked so cute.  This concert was so sweet I just love watching kindergarteners perform.

Kindergartener concert

Archer front row far left

Performing sign language to Silent Night

 McCoy is in second grade and his grade performed songs from the Polar Express.  He was very excited to get to wear pajamas to school since the movie Polar Express has the kids wearing pajamas in it.  McCoy sang all the words and seemed to enjoy it.  He is not as an expressive performer as Declan but he did a great job.

McCoy third row up, on the end

Sing it McCoy

Declan being in fifth grade had the opportunity to join the elementary band.  He had one choice for instrument: alto saxophone.  My sister, Ashlee, played the sax in high school and so we had a instrument we could use.  Declan did a great job and his band sounded really good surprisingly, I have been to other concerts at that age that didn't sound near as good.  Declan just seems like a sax man.

Declan and Archer

Sax Man

We are almost at the end of the whirlwind concert season and the last day of school is December 19th.  I can't wait to sleep in as this last week of school it has been so hard to get up early.  I want to let the kids stay up late and watch Christmas movies.  I still have my most favorite Christmas movie, A Child's Christmas in Wales, yet to watch.

Hope you get to enjoy some Christmas music and if you are really lucky sleep in past seven!

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