Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Monday, April 20, 2015

What Weekend?!

This weekend was consumed by one sickness than another and a near mutiny.   Poor Eddy noticed on his way home from work that maybe he was getting sick. By the time the seven minute drive was over and he was home he felt quite ill and his throat burned like fire.  Whenever Eddy has a sore throat it is always a strep throat.  He had a raging case of strep that was accompanied by bouts of dizziness and aches.  He spent his entire weekend miserable on the couch or in bed.  

(Warning: this paragraph may not be for the squeamish) Declan woke up early Sunday morning feeling ill, he leaned over the top bunk rail and threw up.  From that height the spray covered a very large area and I was once again glad for my decision to have no carpets in my house.  Luckily wee Archer didn't pop his head out of the lower bunk to see what was happening.  Eddy made it to Declan's room first where he found Declan standing on his bed cupping as much throw up  as he could in his hands.  We later had a discussion about next time possible just throwing up on his blanket rather than spraying every non moving surface with chunks.


Due to the aforementioned illnesses, we once again had to postpone our Easter egg hunt.  One thing and another has causes us to cancel and reschedule our traditional Easter egg hunt in Duncan.  When I told the children we had to cancel on Saturday because Eddy was sick but not to worry we would just move it to the next day in the hopes Eddy medicine would kick in and he would feel better. This news was met with many dark mutters and vague threats.  When Declan woke up sick on Sunday we had to cancel the hunt for this weekend altogether.  I had a full blown mutiny on my hands.  There were many tears and fits of anger and disappointment expressed loudly.  Much better to never children tell when things are occurring so they won't have fodder for mutiny.  

All I can say for this weekend is we survived it and we may be penciling in a Easter Egg hunt for this next weekend but don't tell the children.

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