Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Good Mail

As I get older, the fonder I grow of the 1990's.  I spent my high school and college years in the 90's.  When I was in high school, I discovered a magazine that I absolutely adored-Victoria.  It was a home decor, country living, recipes, clothes, and history filled magazine that had the best photographs and most wonderful essays.  I would look forward all month for it to arrive and then I would rush to my room and lie across my bed as I paged through each delightful article savouring it.  Then I would wait another long month for the next issue to appear.  It was a sad day when they cancelled Victoria magazine.  They later tried to bring it back but the profound essays were missing and so was the soul of the magazine; it read more like a catalog.  I never renewed my subscription.  I have never found another magazine that suited me so perfectly.  

In the days before internet, the mail was the main source of information in pursuing your hobbies and interests.  I would send away for catalogs and brochures of all kinds.  I especially liked the European travel kits you could get for free and sometimes they even had posters.  Mail was an exciting thing back then.  Handwritten letters and cards were in abundance.  There were so many magazines to subscribe to!  Most of my other favorite magazines haven't made it through the internet age:  Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion, Country Home, Martha Stewart's Everyday Food to name a few.  

I still really like magazines, I am my father's daughter (he loves magazine too.)  I am not sure if my children have inherited my fondness for magazines but they may have.  My boys subscribe to one magazine it is a free magazine from the Lego company.  They are overjoyed when it arrives.  It may be the only real mail they regularly receive.  The Lego magazine is filled with comics and articles about Lego.  All my boys love Lego!  Today not only did their Lego magazine arrive but also our across the street neighbor gave them some leftover Christmas Candy. Double happy day for them.  They settled down in the backyard with their magazines and giant candy canes and enjoyed some good old 90's fashion fun.

Zany, McCoy and Archy enjoying their mags and candy canes

Is Archy scratching his ear with his candy cane?

I may need to subscribe to a couple of new magazines that way I am sure to have some mail to look forward too. 

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