Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Monday, November 3, 2014

What They Wore-Stake Conference & Socks

Today was all of Arizona Stake Conference for our church, which means two hours of trying to keep your hopped up on halloween-sugar-kids quiet and reverent the whole time.  It was so crowded, there weren't enough seats in the main assembly and we sat in the foyer.  My kids had much more freedom to move around and be noisier than normal.  I was able to watch our surprise rain storm through the foyer's glass doors, we also had plush armchairs to sit in and so I was quite happy with our seats.   

With only two hours of church, I had lots of energy and I tackled the much dreaded basket of unmatched socks.  An old friend of mine mentioned in her blog that she throws away any socks that come through the laundry, wash and dry, and don't have a mate. I was shocked by that; unless she has her kids trained to always put the socks in pairs into the dirty laundry or something, but is that even possible to train kids like that. If I had the "throw away unmated socks each load rule" we would have no socks in this house.  Then again I would not have to spend my entire Sunday afternoon matching socks.  

How many socks were matched today?  
 284 pairs of socks.  

How do we even have that many socks?  I have resolved to no longer buy any white socks. White socks are so hard to match and don't stay as pretty as colored socks.  I did however give myself permission to throw away any life long loner socks (those that have remained unmatched for months/years and any other socks that offended me in any way).

The motley crew of sock losing fiends

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