Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Monday, November 10, 2014

What They Wore-Blues

When I was a kid, I hated Sunday evenings for two reasons:  (1) Taco Salad (2) Endless Football Games.  My mom refused to cook on Sunday so after church we often went to a place that made everyone so happy (which was no mean feat with a very picky Ashlee), the all you can eat steakhouse--Ponderosa.  Back in the 1980's, I think the whole don't go out on Sunday and spend money was a little more relaxed and to my mom's way of thinking why should she have to work on Sunday fixing food  if she didn't have too.  Ponderosa had not only steak and other meat but any side you can imagine and a dessert bar.  With all that deliciousness for lunch what would follow for dinner?  Iceberg lettuce with cold kidney beans and some tortilla chips.  I so disliked that meal when I was a kid that I refused to eat and I fixed my own dinner.  

Today I didn't have to fix my own dinner or even lunch.  After Quinton did fast offerings (not pictured due to collecting fast offerings and he changed before I could photograph him)  he really wanted to make pancakes for everyone for lunch. I let him. So I didn't have to make lunch and then Eddy surprised me by jumping off the couch after the Cardinals game and roasting a chicken and making mashed potatoes with a side of vegetables.  Now I don't have a hard and fast rule about cooking on Sunday but today I possibly was planning a dinner of popcorn.  I have to say my mom might have known a thing or two to leaving the cooking to others on Sunday.

Growing up, my family watched a lot of NFL football.  Those games were long and I was only somewhat interested in them.  My preferred athletic viewing was WWF (World Wrestling Federation) but my parents felt differently and we watched football.  Nowadays, we watch the Arizona Cardinals religiously, having given up on "professional wrestling," and I have been converted to watching football. Good thing, with four boys and a husband who love football I have a lot of football in my present and future.

Zany, McCoy, Declan, & Archer with Cardinal Flag

Go Cardinals and other people cooking!

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