beginning anything new is hard, so my dear sister did what a lot of do when faced with starting something, rope someone else into doing it with you. In the about 48 hours of this blog's existance, I have fielded numerous calls and was given unenforceable deadlines. But if you happen to know my sister you will know that she is nothing if not determined. I quicky realized that my plan of just saying yes at the time and not really posting was not going to be accepted quietly and a lot of nagging ensued. I must say her enthusiam is catching and humerous, as when she exclaimed - "no one's yet taken our title" with actual truly genuine surprise. I'm sure there is someone out there who will one day have to face the dissappointment of discovering thier coveted tilte has indeed been claimed. Unlke Rhi who had declared that she shall post daily, I shall make no such promises, but do plan on keeping everyone up to date with the total money I find while out and about which currently stands at $1.15 for the year. hopefully this will buy me a day of peace.
Aren't I pleased as a pickle to discover your post. You got quite a few laughs out of eddy! Now when do we see a costumed pug?