Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Boys of Summer

Town baseball starts right as school is ending, for me it is a sign that summer has truly arrived.  I held off putting Archy in baseball so he never played t-ball and he went right to coach pitch.  I wasn't sure how he would do skipping t-ball if he would be behind the other kids or not.  I think all the years of watching his brothers play ball paid off because he knew exactly what to do.  He was quite aggressive and Archy was always in ready position and focused on the game.   He was a hoot to watch and his games were so fun.
There's Archy ready to step on the base and get an out

Throw him the ball, he's ready!

Archy at bat

Neon shirts make Archy easy to pick out

Sign the town posted at all the baseball diamonds

Dec always ready for a photo op (portunity)

Treats are sure appreciated!

McCoy loves playing baseball!  He was on a team of 8, 9, & 10 year old boys.  He was 9 this year and so was in the middle of the age group. At this level, the kids do the pitching until a batter walks and then an adult pitches until the batter gets a hit or strikes out.  McCoy most often was the catcher, if he wasn't he was playing in the infield.  Once the playoffs started he was the only catcher.  He did a great job!
Coy goes for the ball as catcher

Coy's ready for the pitch (light blue shirt)

McCoy the Catcher

Ashlee, Pa and Nona came to see the boys play several times.  With all four boys playing, there was a lot of games to chose from.  Now that baseball is all over I kinda miss it but I don't miss sitting in the heat watching them.  Baseball will be back before we know it!

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