Rhiannon and Ashlee are two sisters with very similar tastes and interests yet very different lives. They share this blog. Rhiannon is married with five children in a small town in Arizona. Ashlee is single with a darling pug who lives in a smaller town also in Arizona when she isn't traveling the world. Come see what we are up to!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

I can't believe Halloween is here already. It doesn't feel like Halloween it is far to warm here much warmer than normal, sadly. Good thing none of my kids are wearing furry costumes tonight. 

We had our church's trunk or treat party so the kids got a test run at their costumes. 
McCoy as a Star Wars Guy

If he could wear his hair sprayed colors every day he would!

Archer as Captain Armerica

Zany as Vampire Queen!
Eddy as a Sheriff, his other office staff are going to be prisoners. 

Tonight we will be eating pumpkin chili for dinner, then take to the streets of our neighborhood for trick or treating which means lots of walking all the better to burn off calories from all candy.  When everyone's legs are tired we will head home and watch a Halloween movie outside next to the fire pit. Unlimited candy will be consumed! 

Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

10 on the Tenth

Mr. Commodore (his middle name) has turned 10 on the tenth. His golden birthday was celebrated with great gusto as there was no school for Columbus Day.  McCoy was very excited about this as he had all day to luxuriate in birthday bliss. 

He got to sleep in late,  go to breakfast with just mom and dad at Denny's,  play the fifty cent claw machine,  go to Tractor Supply and pick out a Schleigh animal (he got to puppies), he opened 10 presents, he got to play as much video games and play outside as he wanted, he had no chores, and he got to pick a family movie to watch with pizza and rootbeer.   I'm worn out just writing about it. 
Eddy and McCoy at breakfast
McCoy not so lucky but he tried
Opening presents

He had a great day and gave me many of his excellent hugs while thanking me for it. He is really the sweetest boy!  You got to have a mellow one in the middle, thank goodness I've got McCoy he is the mellowest ten year old I know! Happy Birthday Mr. Commodore!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Happy Conference October 2016

With the beginning of October arrives the Latter-day Saints much looked forward to General Conference.  A few years ago, I decided to make a proper holiday of it. With decorations, activities, games and of course tasty food & snacks!  Everybody gets to pick a favorite snack that is shared with everyone through the course of the two day conferences. The kids play conference bingo and do other activities that hopefully help them pay attention.

The best of of course are the talks by the prophet, apostles and other leaders. They teach doctrine and bare pure testimony of Jesus Christ.  It is very uplifting but sitting with kids for eight hours worth of gospel teachings can be long so the treats and games help. I still look forward to it every October and April. 
                                                        Kiddos with their chosen snacks

               Of course big bros love to tease even during conference!


Declan--Mountain Trail Mix
McCoy--Caramel Apples
Archer--Cheetos Mix
Zaynzley--Princess Fruit Snacks

Happy General Conference!